Friday, 5 December 2008
I enjoyed it quite frankly, the feeling my head was on fire and my face was melting was awesome, I think curries i have had in the past from wetherspoons always seem to be 1 chili hotter than they should be.. anyway it cleared my sinuses out and it was great! I would heartily recommend them, although the Pedigree i had with it was a bit rank! ho hum.. bring on the Abbot!
I'm feeling quite up again after a roller coaster of emotions.. I am likely to crash into a big steaming heap any day now... I keep being late for work and sleeping in too, that's really no good at all.
What am I hating at the moment? that's a good question! Zoosk! the fuckers have started making it pay to talk AND censoring your MSN address.. hehe not gonna pull on there anymore..
Christmas too is annoying the fuck out of me, If you don't like eggs, no one calls you a misery for not liking eggs... If you don't like bumsex, they don't all nag you to join in with it, and sing songs about it at you, so why do it with Christmas? I hate Christmas, its stupid, pointless and boring as fuck, and like Stuart Roberts, should die in a fire... preferably as soon as possible.
Friday, 14 November 2008
Oblivion now with guns!! - A completely unbiased review of Fallout 3
People have complained about crashes in this game, I have not had a single one... but its bored me to tears.. there's serious problems with the game play and the usual RPG problems with immersion, throw in a very ropey FPS dynamic and you have a pretty damn abysmal game, Only negative reviews I have seen for this are from Fallout fan boys, I have never played it, so i can't comment... Apparently the single player (without side missions) Quest can be completed in 4 hours of play, which is one hour for every year its been in development! how lame is that?
There's so many problems in this game that spoil the immersion, It annoys the HELL out of me, I will finish it tho, just to see how bad it gets.. I will probably cheat to finish it as well...
Tuesday, 2 September 2008
Filthy Student!
I am a student of Business Information technology, doing a DEGREE! part time of course, I still have a proper job. So you know, you can't slag me off for being a burden on the state and all that, Hopefully this will help me get a job elsewhere as one of those I.T. Managers that can't type, like that Indian guy off the Computech advert (personally I think he would have been better off sweeping roads in his high visibility jacket (he probably gets paid more!!))
I start on the 15th of this month, and I'm going to be HERE till 8pm 3 NIGHTS A WEEK! as well as working here all week, its going to be a nightmare I'm sure - but i think i might enjoy it.
Sunday, 24 August 2008
CHeesy Chips and chip spice, review

This is me eating it, it was lovely, liquid death yeah, but fuck me! it tasted like heaven!!!
I ate it all, I might die, but i DON'T CARE!!! cheesy chips PWN!!!
Final score 11/10 - I didn't get food poisoning, but i think i put half a stone on last night.
Thursday, 14 August 2008
Where the fuck is cynical Favus?
I used to be one of the people who would be shouting "GET A ROOM YOU SICK FUCKS!" at people making out in the street, and NOW I AM DOING IT... holding hands... grinning inanely for NO BLOODY GOOD REASON!!
Its all because of my new girlfriend, in this mad crazy, horrible, disgusting shitpit of a world, i have found a woman who really likes me! ME! Socially inept.. Perverted, sick old me!!
Who'd have thought it?
Wednesday, 30 July 2008
I need a new job
I always loved using computers, these days even though i am on them all the time, I hate it! Its not any fun, games don't even intrest me anymore. Energy prices are going up so much, i don't think i can even afford to have my computer on anymore, so i am not going to bother. I am seriously thinking about sacking computers off entirely and going luddite... getting a non IT job, something that maybe involves moving bricks about, or selling fruit.
I don't know, everything these days seems like such an effort, if it didn't help me get laid, i'd probably not even bother now.
Tuesday, 29 July 2008
Proper job
Sunday, 27 July 2008
Saturday, 26 July 2008
Jim's mum
Friday, 25 July 2008
BIOME review

Overall: -5/10
Thursday, 24 July 2008
Gorgeous Ladies of Zoosk, whatever number I am up to now and SUMMER!

On with the gorgeous and sexy ladies of Zoosk!! mmmmmmmmm!!
As you know Hull flooded recently, here you can see Tracy in the flood, and she put a pic on her Zoosk of her newly flooded living room, as you can see, she looks quite upset about it.

This is even worse than putting a picture of your baby up, or you in your wedding dress, if you are going to flirt DON'T use a picture of your dog, it IS a picture of your dog isn't it? or are you reallllly that ugly!?!? WOOF!
Generation Cock

Currently I am watching HBO's mini series, Generation Kill, based on a proper book by a guy with a moustache it tells the tale of a platoon of Marines as they invade Iraq at the start of the war. It clearly pulls no punches and tells the story like it is, Showing you the lack of resources the marines have and all the problems they face in today's modern warfare (aside from getting killed) The dialogue is brilliant, except for the overuse of the word "Dawg" now i am not sure if they say it a lot in America or what, but all i do i know is, its getting on my nerves a bit dawg.
There is drama and comedy aplenty, albeit very dark, coming from the same stable that brought you "The Wire" you'd expect it to be awesome, and you know what? It is! aside from a few obvious budget niggles (the Special effects can be a tad ropey in places) its shaping up to be this seasons MUST WATCH drama about the Iraq war with Marines in it.
The guy who played Beecher in Oz plays the journalist and author who rides along with the Marines as they invade, witnessing everything they see, first hand. This could be his finest role since Waynes World dawg.
Thursday, 17 July 2008
What is getting on my tits right now?
You won't beleive that shit that some women post on the net III - The search for Spock
I have been really stressed over the last few weeks as I am experiencing problems with my work. I know I will sound paranoid but I honestly think they want to get rid of me as I work in a very male dominated environment and I think me being a mum now makes them think that I'm not going to work as hard etc. They're giving me a really hard time - picking up on any stupid little errors and making me feel humiliated in front of everyone. I've spoken to HR about it but they weren't any help and actually, it's pretty obvious that they are taking my bosses side.
I am looking for another job but there's not much out there at the moment.
I feel constantly sick and am struggling to eat properly. My stomach is in knots all the time and (sorry, tmi) but I have a constant upset tummy. I don't want to go to my doctor as I don't think she is very good and I don't want to be diagnosed with stress etc as I worry that if I get another job then they will be put off by this.
I am trying to not let this ruin my time with my lo but sometimes I can't help bursting into tears. I am so worried about money and feel useless and incompetent.
Any advice anyone?
Kill yourself.
Tuesday, 15 July 2008
Favus Reviews - The Usher, a Film review website

The Usher speaks? I think he should shut the fuck up!
Review - MrGoat
Monday, 14 July 2008
SPORE ParticleMan Review

Its billed as "ParticleMan simulates gravitational attraction between particles in a cloud. This system was used to study such gravitational dynamics as orbits, nebula formation, star formation and particle streams from sources like pulsars and black holes." if this sounds like your thing then you're either Steven Hawking or so crippling nerdy the nearest you will get to sex is this simulation of a black hole.
You can't make anything like a penis out of it
Review Score: -4/10
You won't believe the shit that women post on the net
I Hate dp!!!!
Well im truly pis*ed of with him now!!!!!!!! I rang him at 2.00 to make sure we were still on for tonight, going to meet Katie Price. He said yes and I know he is only working at a school so not a pushy customer he has to hurry up n finish. Rang him at 2.30 wen i'd got all ready n he said were not going now!!!!!! Well he said he isn't leaving work tell 4.30 but we could still go its up to me! why do men say that when its obviously not!! she's there at 5 for an hour so if we don't get there tell 5.30 there is no way were going to get to see here cos the trafford centre is busy at the best of times so the que will prob be huge!!!! He's now making out like im bein mean! its suposed to be a birthday treat. He is his own boss so there is no excuse why he cant just leave early as we had planned. I hate my life depending on him constantly!!! can't even get my mum a mothers day presant unless he will give me money for it!!ARRRGGGGGRRRRRHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH
Get a job then you fat cow, and stop whinging! hahah, i mean seriously?! you wanted to go and see JORDAN as a birthday treat? are you retarded? Have you never heard of Taxis! haha, you loser...
SEX.......anyone up for it yet?? (im 15+3)
i have a very lovely partner who has always told me he would still find me attracitive if i was a size 22 and although im nowhere near that size, i am struggling to feel comfortable with my self so that i can have sex with him. bless his heat he is being wonderful about it but i can tell that he is getting frustrated about the situation.
the worst part about it is that a lotof the time i am up for it but feel uncomfortable with my new fund flabby tum, ginormous painful boobs to name but a few of my insecurities.
does anyone else feel this way of eve better have any ideas abou how i can start to feel better about myself??
my poor fella doesnt deserve this!!
Size 22!?!? Fuck me! you're a FUCKING WHALE! the only penetration you'll get is a by a japanese whailing fleet!!
I have very little sex drive and have done ever since being pregnant. My dh is being really great about it, not pushing at all. I just feel so bad about it but feel ok finding other ways of keeping my man happy
Thats right love! keep feeding him and biring him his slippers while the woman he is seeing at work lets him bang her all over his office! They're probably doing it on the photocopier RIGHT NOW!!
Making fun of ugly people
Who's Banksy?

Saturday, 12 July 2008
Seriously, WTF?!?!
Seriously! WTF?!?!
Games are not fun anymore
There! how much fun was Carmageddon? More bloody fun that fucking your mum! thats how much fun it was... Where is the new one?!?! DAMN YOU WORLD!! and the film... that would be nice too, not by UWE BOLL tho! thanks.
Gorgeous Ladies of Zoosk! Volume IV

Just be careful! eh!?
And what the fuck is this?!! how am i supposed to flirt with this?!?!

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooooooooooooooo i flirted with Hitler!!! I AM GOING TO HELL!!!
THis is whats getting on my tits this week

Marco Pierre Shite, Endorses knife crime (yesterday)

Thursday, 10 July 2008
Knock off my ass

Heroe's News!

Give me some feedback.
You won't beleive what some women put on the internet.
DH has got a new job which means we won't lose the house and with the bigger salary means i don't have to return to work and we can ttc as well....all pretty damn good.
So why am i sssooo unhappy?? I am finding myself crying for no reason during the day when on my own,I feel that i'm adding no value to the house or relationship,even though DH says i do.I don't feel successful TBH i feel pretty damn worthless.
I try to keep busy during the week,going to groups and meeting up with friends,but they are all starting to go back to work in the next few months and then I'll feel even more lonely than i do now. I don't even feel i can talk to DH as he doesn't want to listen to me going on about my day changing nappies and doing housework.
I'm just so sad and unhappy,i haven't told DH as he is so busy now that i don't want to bother him. My life is pretty damn good so why am i so unhappy.
Thanks for reading,i just needed to get it off my chest and you girlies (and Andy) are the only people i can tell.
Well done love, you are telling the whole internet how depressed you are, you can't even work out that everyone on the planet can read how you nearly lost the house, and you won't go back to work because you're a bum! lol!
Grim- maggots - help needed
Yuck, yuck, yuck. Please don't think I live in a house filled with scum but last night we found maggots in the bathroom. I am completely stumped as to how they got there, what they are feeding on and how to get rid of them. I would understand if they were in the kitchen bin but the bathroom? I have my suspicions they came in with some Tesco toilet rolls as thats where DH found the first lot. We cleaned them all up but this morning there were even more. How do I kill them and make sure they don't come back?
I've picked up everything from the floor and put the bath mat into a boil wash. Do you think bleach will kill them if I put it on the floor and around the skirting board? We have laminate flooring so they can't get into that. I felt sick for ages last night and I am not at all squeemish!!!!! HELP!
OMG! OMG!! MAGGOTS LOL!!! Pikey cow.
RIP my Sex Life
I hope DH doesn't see this, he would be upset. But, I am really worried about our lack of nooky. We still love each other very much and we cuddle up lots, but there never seems to be any time for dtd. I admit we're not in the 1st flush of love - I am 37 and DH is 43 and we're both knackered running about after Connor, but we've stopped making the effort. Is anyone in a similar position.....pardon the pun....
Lol! he doesn't want to have sex with you! he is getting it somewhere else love....
Taste the Pain!
Well here he comes! the film I have been waiting for, I love Max Payne 1 and 2, they were awesome, and here is the first trailer for said film, I really really hope it doesn't STINK
Gorgeous ladies of Zoosk! Volume III

This is what my dad would look like, if he wore a bra, and shaved his moustache off. Is this you dad? Maybe that's where I got the whole bra wearing thing from.....

My webcomic revealed
Wednesday, 9 July 2008

A licence too far
I wonder if you have to stop the game every 2 minutes to wind all your units up? hmmm... intresting! on Wii version you could spin you wiimote! woo!! God i hate consoles, and i hate nostalgia, its not what it used to be.
Sexy ladies of Zoosk! volume II

Hull Punternet Reviews of the week
here's one i particularly like...
good looking, lovely body, boobs are big but clearly fake, felt wierd
have only ever been let down in e.suite once b4 and that was years ago, felt quite let down here though. dont get me wrong kate is a nice person with good looks and a fit body, but there is something missing. i hope i dont come across as horrible in this report but kate is too chatty and scatty for her own good. for instance i had to ask for a body to body massage over a dozen times, she kept saying yes sure but never actually did it, she just kept rabbitting on at me. i dont mind a bit of frienly chat but it got far too much.
good points: fit, great covered bj and she means well
bad points: talks far too much, rushes you quite a bit, sex was poor- she wouldnt fully let me enter her for some reason and boobs are a turn off for me
Lol! yeah me too, i hate boobs...
Slim tanned blonde lady, reasonably pleasant. Probably olde than stated but with the typical smokers lines its hard to be sure.
She sounds hot! I will be visiting her for sure.
Brief massage, asked me to turn over. Nice oral followed.. for about 30 seconds! Whilst I was settling in to enjoy it I looked up and she was squirting lube on! Proceeded to try cowgirl where she went from stationary to 60 thrusts a second immediately!Tried doggy to control the pace a little but lost interest when all I could smell was her dirty arse!
mmmmmmm! stink arse, this is class...
well there you go, i shall be returning to punternet soon...
And also on my blog I will be doing a web comic, it will look nothing like this, it will be better - in colour and not with stick men, this has been a long time coming and oft nagged for - I am currently working on characters who are not so wholly routed in #digi in jokes that no one else will get them, as funny as the Bulmer web comic was, if you didn't know him, you'd not find it as funny as us, when i say us, i mean me.