Monday, 10 May 2010

Fucked off!

I am a bit fucked off at the mo.... People should mind their own fucking business!! that is all...

Tuesday, 2 March 2010

Shittish telecum

Well in my never ending quest to fuck Karoo off, I have failed AGAIN! I got a call from the B.T. "specialists" who deal with installing lines, they tell me that the main exchange that I am plugged into (the one in town, the main one in Hull that serves the whole of the city centre) has no BT equipment in it AT ALL, and there are "No plans" to ever put any in, and I can't have a line, so basically fuck off... thanks guys!!! wankers...

"Oy vey! no B.T. line in Hull? and I'm from Hull and I advertised B.T.! I'm a lying whore yes!" -Maureen Ringpeace (Yesterday)

Tuesday, 16 February 2010

Things to do at work when you're bored #136

First go find an MFD, (this is a printer and photocopier) and type a "comedy" message into it... thusly...
Let the hilarity ensue!! hurrah!!

Thursday, 11 February 2010

The Phone Saga Part II - Electric Boogaloo

Still nothing from BT! why have you forsaken me? where is Buzby!!?? where is my damn telephone line?!?!

Tuesday, 9 February 2010

The phone saga Part I

Bloody Twats (Yesterday)

As you may or may not know, I live in Hull, we only have one Phone supplier and one ISP! Until now, taking advantage of B.T.s FREE line installation I rang up 2 weeks ago to order a new line.... That's pretty much where it all went wrong....

Firstly, They couldn't finish my order because "the system was down" and they kept insisting i rang back, eventually when it was finally up again (Bare in mind it was their last day of FREE installation) I managed to place an order... well nearly! At the end when they try and set up my Phone number, so the order can go ahead, the program failed! and they INSISTED they would ring me back within 24 hours with a new phone number, and installation date... 3 days passed! and nothing happened, when i rang back and FINALLY got through to a human, I spoke to an Indian guy, Now i am not saying he was an Indian call centre, he could be in Wales for all I know! I wasn't going to ask him, basically because I couldn't actually understand a word he said, actually he could be Welsh! I never thought of that, he started the whole process again, my order had been cancelled because "There was no engineer available, to book, so we cancelled the order for you"
A Welshman doing what welshmen do (Yesterday)
Anyway, same thing happened, when i got to the end of the process, when they finally got round to it, he said "Installation would be £39" erm, i said, "no look, when i ordered it, it was FREE installation, not £39" so he said i would be charged £39 and then i would be refunded on the same bill! so hurrah, its free!! (This was after a good 30 minute chat with his supervisor while i listened to some horrendous classical music that sounded like it was being played on a Kazoo) I was assured they would ring be back within 24 hours with a phone number, and that never happened! When i finally rang back a week later... I booked a call back, it never happened!

SO now I am on the phone again, to a rather lovely and apologetic lady called Pam... and she's trying to sort it, apparently it is booked with an engineer, but there is still no phone number, and I've been on the phone about an hour now... She said my case had been passed to the "complex offline team" somewhere in darkest Scotland, and I MAY get a BT line, but somehow I really doubt it!!

Stay tuned to see what happens....

PS: I got an SMS from BT saying that I have raised a query! So maybe something IS happening after all...

Sunday, 7 February 2010

Something for the weekend....

My son is skanky, everyone says he is cute, and no doubt to some he is, but that because you've only seen pictures of him, looking all angelic and not the filthy young man he is, I have just invested some pennies in a lovely shiny new laptop, he jumped on me today, and made me spill my tea on it! needless to say i am not impressed, yesterday while in the midst of a horrendous hangover he proceeded to EAT THE CATFOOD, when i cleaned him up, his breath smelt so bad, i threw up in the sink... and no matter how much you shout and punish him, does he care? no he bloody well does not!

Don't be fooled by the cute! this kid is horrendous!!

Anyway! he ate more today, was told off, and then when we were looking for his shoes did it AGAIN! thing is, you can't even get him to eat normal human food most days! what is it with this kid?? I have no idea why he acts like he does, my first son was a total angel in comparison to Zack, he constantly misbehaves, then acts all cute, if my son is the Antichrist (like i believe he probably is) I apologise for bringing around the end of the world!

In other news, my shiny new Dell laptop with 64bit windows 7 on runs like a dream! Mass Effect looks lovely on it (for such an old game) and runs as smooth as silk (once patched) Windows 7 was terrible on my desktop, maybe because of the motherboard, or the mish mash of cheap off the shelf bits, i don't know, yeah i do know games will be about 25fps slower, but i guess the only game i will notice that on is GTA IV and i really don't think i will be playing that any time soon, as i have at least 10 games to finish before i get to that!

I am currently playing Oblivion, and added naked ladies to it, its great fun! I might even finish Fallout afterwards, with the same mods...

RPG Nerd HEAVEN! naked elves with fake boobs! (Oblivion: Yesterday)

I also bought Flatout Ultimate Carnage for my 360, this was only £5, total bargain! so i shall be playing that too when i find the time... I still have last weeks Being Human to watch! where does all the time go??

To stop the hurt of having spent £80 in a restaurant last night, which was barely better than a mediocre pub food pub type place (fuck me! I am excellent at the expressing myself with letters thing!) I watched "Pants on the ground" as I happened to see it in passing, however i saw several remixes, and enjoyed them, as well as some decent cover versions! Here is one of my favourites so far....

Hope you enjoy it! and have less stress this weekend than I did, Oh and in case you are wondering, the laptop cleaned up fine, and Zack doesn't have food poisoning YET!

Friday, 5 February 2010

One follower?

Blimey! only 1 person following me, what a disgrace, its probably because I've not written anything for sooooo long, I just bought a zoom lens for my digital camera, I've not been taking any pics for a bit... but i am starting again soon!

Been keeping my head down, but as work isn't as hectic at the mo, i thought it would kick this shit off again!

so, Reviews of stuff i bought, people i hate, and pointing and laughing at those less fortunate... If you've read my old posts, you probably know what to expect, and as for the web comic, I've not even started that yet! nor do i think i will, so that ones closed due to lack of interest already!

In the mean time... here is every Under Construction Gif ever... just because