Sunday, 13 April 2014

Book #3 on the "books of shite" list

I am skipping the Douglas Adams books (because I have read them all - They will be reread at some point) and I am going to miss out Aesops fables (because I have read that too) and also Watership down - because I have reread that too (last year infact) so the next book on the list is...

E:\Old Laptop\Kindle ebook collection\Kindle\Albom, Mitch - The Five People You Meet In

I have no idea what it is about, or what sort of book it is, its one of the joys of this list, review to follow when i have finished it - in the mean time, here is the cover of said book

Another book (yesterday)
It's definitely been made into a book or a film judging by the image search, here we go! 

1 comment:

cotton razai for winter said...

I have no idea what it is about, or what sort of book it is, its one of the joys of this list, review to follow when i have finished it - in the mean time, here is the cover of said book pure cotton bedsheets online , bridal sets under 1000 ,